Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ready or not! HERE I COME!

My official due date was October 12th, 2010. At my last appointment the doctor asked me what my plans were? Did I want to wait and see if she came by herself after my due date or did I want to induce? I opted to induce. By this point, the stretch marks were growing rather big and long, I wasn't resting well anymore, my nose was so big it looked like I had gotten stung by something that I was definitely allergic to, and my child had not one free inch of room left to move. I would have been happy if he would have offered to induce that night but he didn't. He didn't schedule for me to have another office visit either. If I made it to the next week I was scheduled to meet him at the hospital Wednesday night October 11th and he would start the induction the morning of October 12th. This thrilled me!! I wanted my baby to have an even number for her date of birth. God had other plans.

The morning of October 10th I woke thinking like every pregnant woman.. I have to pee and I have to pee NOW! By this point, I was sleeping on Brents side of the bed because it was more comfortable for me. I was faced towards the inside of the bed and as I rolled (literally.. I rolled) to get out of bed the flood gates open. I have never moved so fast in my life. Before I could even think I had jumped off the bed and stood there thinking..1st: "Thank God that didn't get on my bed" and 2nd "here we go.. no going back now". I went to the bathroom and peed so I was pretty sure what happened wasn't that I had peed on myself.  So I yelled, "Brent, come here, I'm pretty sure my water just broke." Brent comes to the bathroom "Are you sure?" "Well I think so. I'm not sure, I mean last time I checked this was my first pregnancy." "Well when you find out just let me know, I'm going back to bed." I'm not real sure if he just didn't know how to react so he was pretending like it wasn't a big deal or he was freaking out inside and didn't know what to do. Keep in mind this was at around 7:00 am. I called my NP wifey Faith, my other wifey Amanda and my labor and delivery nurse friend Kristy and you would know that NO ONE answered their phone!! I thought friends were supposed to be there in your time of need right?? ;) On a serious note, these 3 girls were my rocks during my whole pregnancy. It seemed like they knew something was wrong with me before I did! I thank all 3 of you for walking through this journey with me. My heart is so full of love for you all! Back on track now.. when you go to your first appointment they give you a packet of all the "important" numbers you will need during your pregnancy. On that sheet of paper is the number for the hospital and as you probably already figured I had no idea where that sheet was. I searched high and low for it, finally found it and dialed the number. It connected me straight to the L&D nurses station. I told them what happened and she said that it could have been my water breaking that if I continued to leak (gross, huh) that it was definitely my water and I needed to come to the hospital. I thanked her for helping me, hung up the phone and stood up from the computer chair. It was definitely time to go. I went and got Brent out of bed and started getting ready. My bags were already packed as well as the babys so all I had to do was get dressed in my ONE pair of maternity capris that still fit and wait for my husband. He had to get a shower, shave and make sure his outfit was just right because if you remember Mandie was coming to take pictures. I know you must be thinking.. man.. he didn't care that she was in labor. It wasn't like that at all. I walked around making fun of him the whole time. I was having contractions but they felt like the same contractions I had been having so I didn't see any need to hurry. I made just a couple of phone calls mostly to my brother because it took about 20 times of calling to wake them up! ;)  But I had been threatened already.. he was not to miss the birth!  We ended up getting to the hospital at 9:00 am.

Oh Brother Where Art Thall

I had the lovely pleasure of being Strep B positive. This means that before they start the Pitocin, which makes the contractions come quicker and stronger, I had to have 2 rounds of antibiotics. They started the first round which infused over 30 mins then I had to wait 4 hours between and then they started the second dose. We read a lot and watched a lot of TV during that time. My brother and sister-in-law made it. As well as my sister, Alisha who lives in Jackson made it before she came. They actually made it 13 hours before she came!! haha Chad chewed me out over that fact because what normally takes them 4 hours to drive only took him about 3. He assumed by the time they got there that I would be ready to push but what I was really ready for was some F-O-O-D!! The last time I had anything to eat was for supper the night before. If I would have been thinking straight I would have gone through McDonalds before we went to the hospital. I will know better next time!! All day my family would talk about what they wanted to eat or drink and I threatened them that they wouldn't make it to see the baby if they brought food around me. My dear sweet husband was on my side though. I convinced him to take his phone and go out to the snack machine and call me. Everyone raved and raved about how they were going to get him if he did. Well, he went anyway BUT he didn't give me fair warning and my phone was on silent so I didn't get his call. I don't think I have ever been more saddened when I realized that the cure of my hunger was just a phone call away and I MISSED IT!!! Thats kinda like winning the pulishers clearing house and they come to give you the check and your not home so they give it to someone else. :( Dont worry.. Kristy showed up later with popsicles and saved the day!!

(All photos are from Captured by Mandie Newsom


  1. Awwwwww, I love you more! And I feel truly blessed to have been a part of your pregnancy!

  2. I love this, Shae! I remember those hunger pains, and thirst more than anything. It was awful, right?! I didn't eat or drink anything (except ice chips) from Wednesday night until Friday morning when Hannah was born. Then I ate pancakes!!! It's so funny that you mentioned your nose. I remember mine being HUGE! All parts of me were huge though, ha. I love reading your blog :). You describe everything perfectly!
