Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Big Brother AKA Uncle Chad

Alisha, Tasha, Chad and Me (1 month after delivery, be kind)

I am the youngest of 4 children. My oldest sister Alisha is 3 years older than Tasha. Tasha is 4 years older than Chad. Now me and Chad.. we are only 20 months apart. Does something seems little fishy about that?? Yep, you guessed right. I was an accident!

Just for the record my mom never told me I was.. my aunt eventually told me when I was older. I asked Mom and she didn't even deny it!! I mean really, atleast try to lie about it!! P.S. The same woman (my mother) didn't take me back for my last set of shots as a baby. I didn't find this out until I went to start Respiratory School and had to go get them. Did I mention that I'm scared to death of needles?!?! Thanks Mom!! :)

Back to the story, my mom got pneumonia and the antibiotics cancelled out her birth control so her and dad ended up creating me. (GAG!! I mean.. I'm thankful but still.. GAG!!) My whole name is Jennifer Shae and I was originally supposed to be called Jennifer but Chad couldn't say it so Shae I became. Me and Chad were very close growing up. When he started school he came home with the chicken poxs and being the fact I loved him ssssoooo much and that HE had them.. I had to have them!! I rubbed all over him until I got them. We played together, never fought, and were 2 peas in a pod. That was.. until he went to second grade. The kids at school told him that it wasn't cool to have your little sister as your best friend and he listened. From then on out he tortured me!! Pushed me out of trees, slung me off the go cart, hid my promise ring from my high school boyfriend.. you name it, he did it. Although he tortured, no one else was allowed to torture me. He would come to my rescue if need be but he wasn't going to rescue me from him!! haha After I graduated high school and we were both in college he finally decided that he would love me again. We became GOOD friends again. I would go see his band play shows, he would let me crash at his apartment when it was my week to work at the hospital and he would even take me out to eat.

When I became pregnant with Maelyn Chad was happy for us but he didn't really act excited. I guess it did freak him out a bit that his baby sister was having a baby. He kept up with my progress that whole time though. He was always there to say something comforting just when I needed it most. Chad and Bethany both threatened my life that if I didn't call them when I went into labor that I was going to be in big trouble. They will both be very happy to know that they were the first phone call I made. They live in Lousiana so it was going to take them a while to get here. They made it in record time only to find out that Maelyn wasnt coming anytime soon. Chad immediately fell into his position as comedian. He kept the mood light, airy and stress free.

Chad would sit by my bed and tell me to squeeze his hand when I had a contraction if I needed to. It only took a couple of times of me squeezing before he realized that wasn't such a smart idea if he wanted to keep his fingers. Its the thought that counts, right? When things took the turn from fun to serious it was like a light switch had been flipped. Chad was watching monitors and helping turn me like a chicken. 

Chad was so excited once Maelyn made her entrance. He, of course, was ready to get some sleep but was still so excited. He came home for almost a month straight every weekend to see Maelyn. Right now, she is scared of him because he can be loud at times but on his last visit I think he grew on her!

Thank you Chad for being such a great big brother to me! I think we have graduated from good friends to best friends yet again! I love you!

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